Get notified on your phone and computer when there is a vaccine slot available at your location.

Divyansh Singh
3 min readMay 27, 2021

Are you facing trouble in finding Covid Vaccine slot?

Then this program can help you.

Hello folks,

Hope you are safe and healthy.

In this article I’m gonna tell you about a program which can run on your computer to find vaccine slot availability at your location.

This program is developed by myself. It is very simple to use. So, no matter if you are a technical person or not you can use it.

As soon as any slot(s) is found based on your prefrences, an alert sound will be played on your computer and if you provide your mobile no. as an optionl argument an OTP message by COWIN application will be sent to your mobile no. to notify you.


Install node on your computer, if not already installed. Then open command prompt and run the following command:

npx cowin-notifier run --age=<YOUR-AGE> --district=<DISTRICT-ID> --dose=<DOSE-NO>

Note: If you get below error:

'npx' is not recognized as an internal or external command.Try running first.

npm i -g npx

Replace the arguments above with the required values like mentioned below

  • Replace <YOUR-AGE> with your age.
  • Replace <DISTRICT-ID> with your district's id from this list.
  • Replace <DOSE-NO> with either 1 or 2 for first dose and second dose respectively.

Optional arguments accepted:

  • Pass --vaccine=<VACCINE-NAME> to search for specific vaccine. Accepted values are COVISHIELD and COVAXIN.
  • Pass --pin=<YOUR-AREA-PIN-CODE> to search for availabe slots based on pin code. (<DISTRICT-ID> is not required and will be ignored if searching by PIN)
  • Pass --mob=<YOUR-MOBILE-NUMBER> to get COWIN OTP message on your phone when slot(s) found. (<YOUR-MOBILE-NUMBER> is not required and only alert sound will be played on your computer if not provided.)
  • Pass --cost=<FEE-TYPE> to search for specific fee-type. Accepted values are FREE and PAID.
  • Pass --keep_searching=<KEEP-SEARCHING-FLAG> to continue search even after slots are found. Accepted values are TRUE and FALSE. (default is FALSE)

(Note: Search by District is recommended as searching by PINCODE will have lower chances of finding a slot)

Sample Input/Output

To find your district id, refer to the complete documentation here.

Pro tip:

The program also displays the time whenever any slot(s) are found which basically tells at what time mostly slots are open. So, you should be more active on COWIN portal at that time.

That’s it.

Hope you liked this blog.

Questions? Comments? Connect me at @divvu_ansh or @yesdivvu



Divyansh Singh

Talks about #technology #innovation #investing #business #psychology and a bunch of other things.